Today I was given the opportunity to do a flyer for World Relief / World Relief Next for their Haiti response work. This potentially will be sent out to churches all across the country and some big names are potentially getting behind World Relief to lend their hands. I am super excited to see people come together like this and am so glad I was able to be a part of it.
World Relief is an amazing organization. They have a strong history of relief work all over the world, including fifteen years in Haiti. By Thursday, two days after the earthquake, they already had a team on the ground. Check them out, tell your friends, keep up on what they are doing. If you feel lead to do so, share this flyer with everyone you know. Click on it for the full-view, print them, and pass them along.

World Relief is an amazing organization. They have a strong history of relief work all over the world, including fifteen years in Haiti. By Thursday, two days after the earthquake, they already had a team on the ground. Check them out, tell your friends, keep up on what they are doing. If you feel lead to do so, share this flyer with everyone you know. Click on it for the full-view, print them, and pass them along.

Your work is very inspiring, you are doing exactly what I want to do - God just hasn't given me the little push I need yet.